Take a Number Systems | The World's Most Reliable Queuing Systems
Next Please Multiple Counter System
The System Displays The Window Number And The Next Client To Be Served
The multi Counter display combines the industry standard solid state take-a-number display with an integrated audio alert.Every time the “now serving” number is changed, the system will display the current number being served as well as the counter that is available, for the customer next in line to be served.Your customers will always be served faster and in the order in which they arrive with a Take a Number System.Customers can relax without having to compete for service when you use Next PleaseTake a Number Systems. With a variety of ticket options and a large easy to read display, the Next Please Take a Number System is economically priced. easy to set up and user friendly. Systems are available for multiple counter applications our displays can be ordered to accomodate from two to sixteen service counters.
Available Multi Counter Systems
Two Counter System, Three Counter System, Four Counter System, Five Counter System, Six Counter System, Seven Counter System, Eight Counter System, Nine Counter System .
Easy Set Up And Installation Hardwired operation With our convenient wired push buttons you can advance the numbers automatically. Multiple buttons can be utilized for multi counters. Every display is equipped with an internal audio alert with simple easy to follow installation instructions,customizing your Take a Number system has never been easier.
Take A Number Systems
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